Domain Name Scan

What is a domain name?

The Domain is the website address on the Internet, which is written in this way and has 3 main parts in its composition. In the past, before the idea of ​​​​the site name was invented, the addresses of the Internet sites were an IP number and it was written like this:

But with the development in the use of the Internet, it has become very difficult for users to memorize the names of websites if they are written in this way. Therefore, it was developed to be easier, and a new type of server was invented, which is the Domain Server, which is responsible for replacing domain names with an IP number to make it easier for people to access websites.

Consequently, this development of domain names led to a major boom in purchase requests and domain reservations from large companies to reach individuals due to the invention of the domain server.

How does the domain work?

The domain does not work alone, but it needs to be connected to the server or with the web hosting. The domain is linked to the hosting or server by changing the DNS address in the domain control panel to the same hosting address. After connecting the Domain, it displays the content stored in the hosting in front of the visitor when typing the name of the Domain in the browser.